Guidelines & Templates

There are 4 types of project grants and programmes available for application.


Please select the applicable grant to view the respective guidelines and templates.

  • For investigation project to determine the technical feasibility and market acceptability of a new product or process concept.
  • Fund up to US$50, 000 or 50% of the total qualified project cost, whichever is lower.


Please download and complete the template below, in addition to all other documents required by IIA (for Israeli companies) or EnterpriseSG (for Singapore companies), to form the complete submission for the Feasibility Study Project Grant.

Complete Set of Documents for Proposal

Feasibility Study Project Grant – Template for Project Proposal

  • For project to create or enhance commercialisable product or technology and project duration up to 2 years.
  • Fund up to US$1.5M or 60% of the total qualified project cost, whichever is lower.


Please download and complete the template below, in addition to all other documents required by IIA (for Israeli companies) or EnterpriseSG (for Singapore companies), to form the complete submission for the R&D Project Grant.

Complete Set of Documents for Proposal

R&D Project Grant – Template for Project Proposal

  • For project to pilot or testbed near-market technologies (e.g. above TRL 6) with a beta site for the purpose of commercialisation and project duration not more than 1 year.
  • Fund up to US$1M or 50% of the total qualified project cost, whichever is lower.


Please download and complete the template below, in addition to all other documents required by IIA (for Israeli companies) or EnterpriseSG (for Singapore companies), to form the complete submission for the Pilot Project Grant.

Complete Set of Documents for Proposal

Pilot Project Grant – Template for Project Proposal

  • For project to tap on academia and research performers to create new disruptive technologies, and project duration up to 3 years.
  • Fund up to US3M or 66% of the total qualified project cost, whichever is lower.


Please download and complete the template below, in addition to all other documents required by IIA (for Israeli companies) or EnterpriseSG (for Singapore companies), to form the complete submission for the Strategic Sector Project Grant.

Complete Set of Documents for Proposal

Strategic Sector Project Grant –Template for Full Proposal

Submitting your proposal via Israel Innovation Authority Online System (For IL companies only)

Singapore Companies are to follow the submission instructions outlined on the EnterpriseSG website at, while Israeli Companies are to submit their full project documents applications via the IIA portal (refer to guidelines uploaded on this page).


Do be reminded that both companies are required to meet the submission requirements set by EnterpriseSG and IIA respectively for the application to be complete. For more information on the eligibility and submission requirements from both agencies, please refer to the SIIRD Handbook attached below.

After the project is approved by the SIIRD Board, the Israeli and Singapore applicants will have to work together with the IIA and EnterpriseSG respectively, to prepare and sign the funding contract/offer in order to receive the grant monies.

Below are the 4 reporting milestones for projects that have been approved to receive SIIRD funding.


Please select the milestone to view the respective guidelines and templates.

The 1st interim reporting is optional and must be submitted to SIIRD for evaluation prior to 1st interim disbursement.

This is not applicable to project duration of less than 1 year.


If companies wish to receive 1st interim disbursement, both the 1st interim Joint Technical Update and Individual Fiscal Reports must be submitted in softcopy to SIIRD within 30 days following the 1st quarter of the project duration.


For Singapore companies, do note that these templates are only applicable for projects approved before 2023, and reports should be submitted by emailing a set to EnterpriseSG. For projects approved from 2023 onwards, please refer to the unique list of deliverables outlined in your company’s Letter of Offer.


For Israeli companies, information about reporting are available in IIA’s rules under Procedure 200- 2 – periodic performance reports, recognized expenses, audits, and final report.

Joint Technical Reporting

1st Interim Joint Technical Update Cover Page

1st Interim Joint Technical Update Guidelines

Individual Fiscal Reporting

Fiscal Report Form Sample (SG Company)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (IL Company)

Please note the Fiscal Report Form Sample is for reference only. Please request the actual fiscal report form specific to your project from

The midpoint reporting is mandatory and must be submitted to SIIRD for evaluation prior to midpoint disbursement.

This is applicable to all project regardless of duration.


Both the Midpoint Joint Technical Report and Individual Fiscal Reports must be submitted in softcopy to SIIRD within 30 days following the half-way point of the project duration.


For Singapore companies, do note that these templates are only applicable for projects approved before 2023, and reports should be submitted by emailing a set to EnterpriseSG. For projects approved from 2023 onwards, please refer to the unique list of deliverables outlined in your company’s Letter of Offer.


For Israeli companies, information about reporting are available in IIA’s rules under Procedure 200- 2 – periodic performance reports, recognized expenses, audits, and final report.

Joint Technical Reporting

Midpoint Joint Technical Report Cover Page

Midpoint Joint Technical Report Guidelines

Individual Fiscal Reporting

Employee Monthly Timesheet Template (SG and IL)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (SG Company)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (IL Company)

Please note the Fiscal Report Form Sample is for reference only. Please request the actual fiscal report form specific to your project from

The 2nd interim reporting is optional and must be submitted to SIIRD for evaluation prior to 2nd interim disbursement.

This is not applicable to project duration of less than 1 year.


If companies wish to receive 2nd interim disbursement, both the 2nd interim Joint Technical Update and Individual Fiscal Reports must be submitted in softcopy to SIIRD within 30 days following the 3rd quarter of the project duration.


For Singapore companies, do note that these templates are only applicable for projects approved before 2023, and reports should be submitted by emailing a set to EnterpriseSG. For projects approved from 2023 onwards, please refer to the unique list of deliverables outlined in your company’s Letter of Offer.


For Israeli companies, information about reporting are available in IIA’s rules under Procedure 200- 2 – periodic performance reports, recognized expenses, audits, and final report.

Joint Technical Reporting

2nd Interim Joint Technical Update Cover Page

2nd Joint Technical Update Guidelines

Individual Fiscal Reporting

Fiscal Report Form Sample (SG Company)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (IL Company)

Please note the Fiscal Report Form Sample is for reference only. Please request the actual fiscal report form specific to your project from

The final reporting is mandatory and must be submitted to EnterpriseSG and IIA respectively, in accordance with the requirements outlined in the funding contract/offer signed, for evaluation prior to final disbursement.


This is applicable to all project regardless of duration.


For Singapore companies, do note that these templates are only applicable for projects approved before 2023, and reports should be submitted by emailing a set to EnterpriseSG. For projects approved from 2023 onwards, please refer to the unique list of deliverables outlined in your company’s Letter of Offer.


For Israeli companies, information about reporting are available in IIA’s rules under Procedure 200- 2 – periodic performance reports, recognized expenses, audits, and final report.

Final Joint Technical Report Cover Page

Final Joint Technical Report Guidelines

Joint Updated Commercialization and Repayment Plan

Individual Fiscal Reporting

Employee Monthly Timesheet Template (SG and IL)

Audit of Fiscal Report Guidelines (SG and IL)

Company's Auditor Opinion On Fiscal Report Template (SG)

Company's Auditor Opinion On Fiscal Report Template (IL)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (SG Company)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (IL Company)

Please note the Fiscal Report Form Sample is for reference only. Please request the actual fiscal report form specific to your project from

Feasibility Study Project

Both the Final Joint Technical Report and Individual Fiscal Reports must be submitted in softcopy to SIIRD within 30 days following the completion of the project.


Joint Technical Reporting

Final Joint Technical Report Cover Page

Final Joint Technical Report Guidelines

Individual Fiscal Reporting

Employee Monthly Timesheet Template (SG and IL)

Audit of Fiscal Report and Guidelines (Feasibility Study - SG and IL)

Company's Auditor Opinion On Fiscal Report Template (SG)

Company's Auditor Opinion On Fiscal Report Template (IL)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (SG Company)

Fiscal Report Form Sample (IL Company)

Please note the Fiscal Report Form Sample is for reference only. Please request the actual fiscal report form specific to your project from

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.