Project Qualification

1. What are the minimum eligibility criteria to fulfil for the grant application?
  1. The grant application must be jointly submitted by a Singapore-registered company and an Israel-registered company. 
  2. Either company must not have more than 20% shareholding in the partnering company. 
  3. The joint project must be undertaken in Singapore and Israel, with at least 30% of the actual R&D work done in Singapore and Israel respectively. 
  4. Technology and product developed must have potential for commercialization.


The Singapore company should meet the following criteria as well:


  1. Is a business entity registered and operating in Singapore
  2. Has at least 30% local shareholding, i.e. have at least 30% of its shares held by a Singapore Citizen or PR
  3. Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project


Companies are advised to contact SIIRD Managers in the respective countries to find out more about the Application Process.

2. What are the evaluation criteria of the SIIRD grant programme?

Projects are evaluated on various aspects ranging from the collaborative relationship of the companies to the innovation of the project, and the market need for the proposed product. The guidelines and templates will assist the companies in providing relevant information.

3. What does it mean by ``At least 30% of the actual R&D work must be done in Singapore as well as in Israel?``

In terms of the project contribution, each partner is expected to contribute at least 30% of the total project work and total project expenses. The collaborative relationship should be as balanced as possible to ensure fair contribution and benefits to each partner.

4. Do SMEs qualify for SIIRD funding?

The application is open to any registered Singapore and Israel Companies including start-ups and SMEs as long as the main eligibility criteria, as stated above, are met.

5. What types of R&D project does SIIRD co-fund?

SIIRD is open to project applications from any industry but defence-related project cannot be co-funded by SIIRD. Interested applicants can refer to the list of SIIRD approved projects to have an idea of the types of project that SIIRD has co-funded so far. Note that the list gives a general idea on the types of projects SIIRD co-funds, but it does not necessarily limit the project applications to the listed technological areas.

6. Can we submit our proposal to SIIRD if the project has already started?

Yes and it depends on the proposal submission deadline. The SIIRD program’s objective is to promote R&D collaboration to develop market-driven products and technologies. In principle, we may allow companies to back date their claims for qualified project expenses up to 1 month before the actual proposal submission date should the grant application be approved.

7. Must the grant applicants be registered companies?

Yes, the grant applicants will have to be registered entities (start-ups and SMEs) in Singapore or Israel.


The Singapore company should also meet the following criteria:


  1. Is a business entity registered and operating in Singapore
  2. Has at least 30% local shareholding, i.e. have at least 30% of its shares held by a Singapore Citizen or PR
  3. Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project
8. Can we apply for SIIRD co-funding if we have already received a grant from another government agency?

Companies may do so if the other grant received was for different R&D activities. Note that any resources that are already funded by other government agencies shall not be funded under the SIIRD program.

Project Budget

1. Are travel expenses to other countries during the project duration supported under the SIIRD grant programme?

SIIRD supports only travel expenses between Singapore and Israel.

2. Are commercialization expenses supported by the SIIRD grant programme?

Part of the funding is also extended towards joint commercialization activities in the project. For the R&D Project grant and Pilot Project Grant, up to US$30K is provided per project for joint commercialization activities. Examples of joint commercialization activities are joint participation in trade exhibitions and development of joint marketing collaterals.


Such commercialization activities must be undertaken jointly and the qualifying period for such activities are from project start till 12 months after project completion.

3. What types of qualifying costs are eligible for funding support?

The qualifying cost items include direct R&D manpower, expendable materials & supplies, consultancy services, subcontractors, travel expenses between Singapore and Israel, and the depreciation or leasing costs of capital equipment essential to the project.


Other qualifying costs include the engagement of consultants for the development of a marketing/commercialization plan and joint commercialization activities.


For more details on the qualifying cost item, applicants can refer to the project budget template found in Guidelines & Templates.

4. Does the employee involved in the project have to be a Singapore/Israel citizen for the Singapore/Israel company?

It is not necessary, however, they have to come under the direct payroll of the company.

5. Can employees involved in another funded project take part in SIIRD-funded project?

Yes, however, the total time involved in both funded projects should not exceed 100% of their total working hours.

6. How do we inform SIIRD if there are changes in the manpower involved in the project?

Companies may inform the SIIRD team, followed by filling up the Amendment Request Form upon submission of the Fiscal Report.

7. How do I determine if an employee can be classified as direct manpower?

He/she has to be a permanent employee paid directly by the company and not through its subsidiaries or any other third parties. He/she shall work on the technical aspects of the project and be based in the country where the company is registered.

8. Can the R&D staff of an overseas branch/subsidiary be included in the project budget?

No, he/she cannot be included.

9. My company's project is co-funded by SIIRD. Can my company claim the project expenses if the payments are made by the sister company/subsidiary?

Only qualified expenses made by the participating company are reimbursable. Companies are required to submit claims supporting documents for SIIRD’s verification and SIIRD will only recognise supporting documents bearing the name of the company whose project is co-funded.

Application Procedure

1. What do we need to submit for the grant application?

Both companies have to jointly prepare a Full Project Proposal, along with all other necessary supporting documents, for the grant application. Click here for the respective Full Proposal templates for each grant category.

2. What are the steps for submitting the grant application?

There are 3 steps to the proposal submission process.


First, after deciding to collaborate, companies should arrange meetings with the SIIRD Managers in their respective countries to understand more about the SIIRD Program and to share with SIIRD the project they have in mind.


Second, if SIIRD is receptive to the project proposal, the companies can choose to jointly prepare an Executive Summary based on the SIIRD Guidelines. For R&D and Pilot Projects, Please note that the submission of the Executive Summary is optional and companies can choose to skip this step.


Finally, the companies will have to work on the Full Proposal based on the corresponding SIIRD Guidelines and Templates and submit it to SIIRD by the call deadline.


Please refer to the Application Process page for more details.

3. Which type of funding should we apply for?

The type of funding to apply for depends primarily on the technological readiness level of the proposed project.


1. The co-funding limit of each of the grant schemes is denominated in US Dollars. Does this mean that disbursements for approved projects would be in US Dollars too?

For projects approved prior to May 2017, the disbursements to companies would be in US Dollars.For projects approved after May 2017, the disbursements to Singapore and Israeli companies would be in local currency i.e. Singapore Dollars and Israeli Shekels respectively.

2. Is SIIRD funding on reimbursement basis?

Yes. Typically, projects that are less than 12 months in duration will have 2 reporting milestones. The first milestone is scheduled to be in the middle of the project duration and the second milestone is at the project completion date. The reimbursement of the qualified project expenses will be carried out after the successful review of each milestone and are known as the Midpoint and Final disbursements respectively.

Projects that have duration of 12 months or more could enjoy up to 4 disbursements during the project period in the following order stated below. Each disbursement is coupled with a reporting milestone prior to reimbursement of qualified project expenses. For Midpoint and Final disbursements, reimbursement of the qualified project expenses will be carried out after the successful review of each respective milestone.

  1. 1st Interim disbursement – Optional
  2. Midpoint disbursement – After the 1st half of the project (mandatory)
  3. 2nd Interim disbursement – Optional
  4. Final disbursement – After project completion (mandatory)

For commercialization activities that occur after project completion, disbursement of the qualified expenses of commercialization activities will be carried out:

  1. After 6 months from project completion – Optional
  2. After 12 months from project completion (i.e end of qualifying period) – Mandatory, with a commercialization review
3. How should the IP rights and commercialization rights be split between the companies?

The arrangement of IP sharing and commercialization rights shall be determined by the companies themselves.

4. How can we find R&D partners through SIIRD?

Companies can submit a partner search request to SIIRD via the Partner Search Request Form. The submitted information will be routed to SIIRD offices in Singapore and Israel. Based on the information provided, SIIRD team will identify suitable R&D partners and introduce them to the requesting company usually via email.

In order to facilitate effective partner search process, we encourage companies to provide specific information on the type of project they wish to work on and the desirable profile of the R&D partners they wish to work with.

5. Can we apply for more than one project?

SIIRD is open to discuss multiple grant applications from one company provided that the company has adequate resources to undertake multiple projects.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.