Grant Application Process

Minimum Application Criteria

  1. The application must be jointly submitted by a Singapore-registered company and an Israel-registered company.
  2. Either company must not have more than 20% shareholding in the partnering company.
  3. The Singapore company should meet the following criteria as well:
    1. Is a business entity registered and operating in Singapore
    2. Has at least 30% local shareholding, i.e. have at least 30% of its shares held by a Singapore Citizen or PR
    3. Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project
  4. The joint project must be undertaken in Singapore and Israel, with at least 30% of the actual R&D work done in Singapore and Israel respectively.
  5. Technology and product developed must have potential for commercialization.

Israeli and Singapore companies are advised to contact the Israel Innovation Authority and EnterpriseSG respectively to find out more about the submission procedures.

Grant Application Process
Grant Application Process

Main Application Criteria


  1. The application must be jointly submitted by a Singapore-registered company and an Israel-registered company. 
  2. Either company must not have more than 20% shareholding in the partnering company. 
  3. The joint project must be undertaken in Singapore and Israel, with at least 30% of the actual R&D work done in Singapore and Israel respectively. 
  4. Technology and product developed must have potential for commercialization.


Companies are advised to contact SIIRD Managers in the respective countries to find out more about the submission procedures.

Applying for SIIRD Funding


If there is interest to submit a project co-funding application to SIIRD, after their discussion on joint R&D collaboration, Companies are advised to contact the SIIRD Managers in the respective countries to understand more about the SIIRD Program and to share with the SIIRD Managers the proposed project in mind.


If the Companies wish to proceed with an application to SIIRD, they are to jointly prepare a project proposal using the corresponding template provided on SIIRD’s webpage. Then, during SIIRD’s Call for Proposals, the Singapore Company and Israeli Company are to submit applications to EnterpriseSG and IIA respectively, in accordance with the instructions outlined in the SIIRD Handbook (downloadable from the bottom of this page). Do note that submission to both agencies are mandatory for the application to be considered complete.


After the close of the Call for Proposals, IIA and EnterpriseSG will conduct their respective evaluations for the project proposal. Companies may be required to submit additional documentation or clarifications, present their project to the evaluators, or host the evaluators for a site visit at their premises. IIA and EnterpriseSG will advise accordingly on any necessary actions.


After the Project Evaluation, the evaluators’ assessments will be presented to the SIIRD Governing Board for their final decision. The SIIRD Governing Board meets twice a year. The decision of the SIIRD Governing Board will be conveyed in writing to both Companies thereafter.

Application Handbook

For further details on SIIRD, the Implementing Agencies, the grant application processes, etc., interested applicants can refer to the following Applicant Handbook attached.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.